“The greatest wealth is health.” – Virgil


  • Acupuncture is the ancient practice of promoting healing by using very thin, hair-like needles to stimulate acupuncture points that work to communicate with the brain & central nervous system. Through an in depth understanding of how these points work together and communicate with one another, the acupuncturist is thus able to direct the body where to heal itself.

    As the needles are inserted into the corresponding energetic pathways (or meridians) energy is unblocked, a new systemic balance is created, endorphins are released, inflammation is reduced and the nervous system becomes more regulated . Each needle is sterile, stainless steel and disposable (Acupuncture needles are used only once).

    When these acupoints are fully activated, sensations of soreness, numbness, fullness, or heaviness are often felt by patients.

    Acupuncture can enhance immunity, physical and emotional well being, alleviate pain conditions and improve overall health. These treatments are comfortable, restorative and relaxing.

    Acupuncture is a safe, painless and effective way to treat a wide array of conditions without negative side effects.

  • Research has found that acupuncture can cause dramatic changes in the body including the release of endorphins (the body’s natural pain killers), stimulation of the immune system and influence on the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

    Traditional acupuncture theory is based on the concept that a type of vital electromagnetic energy (also known as Qi) flows through specific pathways within the body, nourishing the tissue, cells and organs while providing the physiologic energy required to maintain life and protect the body from disease. The free flow of this energy can be disrupted and blocked by physical or emotional trauma, poor nutrition or overwork and injury to name a few examples. As a result, imbalances can occur within the body resulting in pain and or illness. An acupuncturist is able identify these imbalances through specialized diagnostic techniques and then insert needles at specific points along the energy pathways to reestablish the smooth flow of Qi and restore the body back to health. This process of rebalancing addresses both the presenting symptom as well as the underlying root cause.

    Acupuncture is an effective, safe and painless way to treat a wide array of medical conditions and free of negative side effects.

    • Allergies/Sinus Congestion

    • Asthma/Cough

    • Pain Management including but not limited to TMJ, Back pain, Elbow, Sciatica, Frozen Shoulder, Cervical pain and Migraine

    • PCOS

    • Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis and other skin conditions

    • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

    • Hormonal imbalances

    • Digestive issues/ Abdominal pain, gastroenteritis, Nausea, Peptic Ulcer

    • Myofascial Pain Syndrome

    • Bells Palsy

    • Sports injuries, Tennis/Golf Elbow

    • Insomnia

    • Anxiety/Depression

    • Headaches, Migraine and otherwise

    • PMS

    • Gynecological issues (Pelvic pain, PMS, Dysmenorrhoea)

    • Menopausal issues (Hot flashes, night sweats)

    • Infertility

    • UTI's

    • Stroke

    • Prostate Issues

    • Adverse reactions to chemotherapy/radiotherapy

    The above list represents some of the more common ailments that Acupuncture treats, although the list is much more extensive. Please call or email for more information on how Acupuncture can help you.

  • During the first treatment a full health history will be taken. Questions regarding health and symptoms may be asked. The pulse will be taken as well as examination of the tongue. This information is organized to conduct an accurate diagnosis of where the imbalances in the body reside and how these imbalances can be restored back to health.

    Paper thin needles are then inserted into various acupuncture points on the body. There is very little pain associated with this process, sometimes you may feel a tiny pinch. Once the needles are inserted, it is not uncommon to feel the electromagnetic current or qi flowing through various parts of your body. This sensation can feel dull and heavy or numb and tingly. All of these reactions are positive and is a good sign that the treatment is working.

  • There are 12 pulse positions that correspond to a specific organ and meridian. There are 27 qualities reflected in the pulse that reflect the state of an individuals overall health. Imbalances always appear in the pulse.

  • The tongue is a map of the body. It reflects the health of the organs and meridians. The tongue color, shape, coating and cracks are taken into consideration during diagnosis.

    1. Please wear loose and comfortable clothing, preferably clothing that can easily and comfortably be pulled up to the knees and elbows.

    2. Please refrain from drugs or alcohol for up to six hours before and after the visit.

    3. Between visits, make note of any changes that may have occurred, such as the alleviation of pain, pain moving to other areas or changes in the frequency and type of symptoms.