In her private practice, Astra Gordon LAc. ACN uses an interdisciplinary approach to healing where she combines functional medicine principles with acupuncture, eastern herbal medicine and nutritional therapy. Using the age old wisdom and principles of traditional eastern medicine, the body and mind are seen as a unified system with an ability to heal more effectively when treated as a whole.
Astra is committed to healthy living and has successfully treated a myriad of ailments including chronic pain, musculoskeletal injuries, womens health conditions, both male and female infertility, migraine and other headache conditions, emotional conditions, neurological conditions, digestive disorders, allergies, skin conditions, chronic infections, vertigo, TMJ and much more.
In addition to her Eastern Medicine practice, Astra has specialized training in Japanese Acupuncture, Esoteric Acupuncture, Master Tung Acupuncture, Eastern Herbalism, Qi Gong, breathwork and yoga.
Through a holistic approach and deep understanding of the body’s energy systems, Astra empowers patients to achieve better health and balance.